We know that such tools contain a lot of settings that could confuse you. So we will focus on the most exciting features on this page.

Shape Transform

In one shape layer could be a lot of nested groups with different transform values. It occurs a lot of bugs and issues with expressions. So we provide the Reset tool that tries resetting all position, scale, and rotation values to 0. Also, it resets the position of path points depending on the layer's Anchor Point.

Reset Shape

Selection Workflow

Extrapolate key values

<aside> ⚠️ this setting does not work with Time-based rigs like Slider Rig or Len Rig with markers.


One of the game-changing features. It extrapolates the key’s value beyond what is set by the rig. Sound complicated, but here are some examples:

In the case of a hand rig, we could place the End Controller farther than your rig is prepared. The values will continue to change in the same direction as they have moved.

Also, for the Squash State, we could extrapolate this position with the Length Correlation slider in the Length Rig Controllers Effect.

[In the Leg rig, it would work if the second and third keys are not similar, or we are working on the 2-2 rig method.](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/b553ce26-1ffb-4118-ae16-d9512e913d46/screencast_2022-06-30_02-36-23.mp4)

In the Leg rig, it would work if the second and third keys are not similar, or we are working on the 2-2 rig method.

In the case of a neck rig, you can see how points with tangents move farther from the original setup, which allows you to animate a bit more than your initial setup.

screencast 2022-06-30 03-15-01.mp4

If you don’t like this feature or is it bothering you, you can turn it off in the Length Rig effect → Technical Stuff → Limit Keys

screencast 2022-07-05 21-08-43.mp4

Non-linear Path points movement

This feature is used only on Len Rig. Get more info about it on the Len Rig page.

In the Len Rig, we implemented an experimental feature that allows moving points from position to position with a curved trajectory that looks more natural.

Red - Simple layer rotation, White - Path points movement imitates rotation.

Classic points movement

Classic points movement

Curved points movement

Curved points movement