You can create your own library of expressions and scripts in our Motion Tools Pro.

Additionally, we have added some functionality to operate this custom library. You can find the Scripts section in the extension library.


All custom expressions and scripts could be exported as a JSON file from the extension.

CleanShot 2023-05-22 at 15.04.47.mp4

Currently, we do not have the functionality to export specific items. However, the JSON files have a simple and understandable structure. You can open the file in any text editor or web version and manipulate it if you want to create a special library.


To add the library to the extension, simply click on the "Load User Scripts" button and select the file.

<aside> ❗ If a script or expression in the library has the same name as in the file, it will be replaced by the file.


Therefore, pay attention to the naming of your scripts. Adding a pre or post-name is good practice to differentiate them from similar scripts.


<aside> 💡 Also, we are testing a function that downloads the library from a link, here are more details MTP - Import Scripts and Expressions from Web
