<aside> 💡 About Motion Tweaks


  1. After purchasing Motion Tweaks, check your cabinet's scripts section to see if it's displayed


  1. Install Motion Tools Pro - Installation Guide

<aside> ❗ Your MTP version should be at least 1.1.0.


  1. Click on the notification button. Motion Tweaks should be available. You can install it by pressing the 💾 button. All necessary files will be installed automatically.


If Motion Tools Pro has been opened before purchase, try to press the updates button.

CleanShot 2023-08-02 at 22.36.15-converted.mp4

  1. A new layout will be added with pre-added scripts.


  1. You can see all available scripts in the scripts settings panel.

To open this panel, click anywhere outside of the other widgets and buttons.

