<aside> 📄 The latest version of the Installation guide is on this Notion page.


<aside> 📄 You can find detailed instructions on how to use the Motion Tweaks on the **Notion documentation** page.


<aside> ❗ Compatibility The Motion Tweaks extension works with After Effects version 21.0 and newer.



Install using the ZXP Installer.

Drag the motionTweaks*_{version}.zxp* file into ZXP Installer. If drag-and-drop doesn't work, select the file through the menu: File → Open


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If you encounter any issues during ZXP installation, check the troubleshooting solutions at the end of this document


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You can find detailed activation instructions on this page: Motion Design School License - How to Activate


The About panel allows you to activate or deactivate your license, start a trial period, access script links, and contact support.

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No application compatible

If you see this compatibility message in the ZXP installer:

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System Folders Restrictions

To make the scripts work, some of them require access to write support files to create effects. If your system blocks this access, you need to grant After Effects permission to write files, or try to manually create the folder and place the necessary files.

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Create MotionTweaks folder here:

Windows: C:\\Users\\<user>\\AppData\\Roaming\\MDS\\MotionTweaks\\

MacOS: /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/MDS/MotionTweaks/

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Make sure that hidden files and folders are visible to locate the MDS folder.

On Mac, press Cmd+Shift+. (period) in Finder to show hidden files.

On Windows, follow this tutorial to show hidden files: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLvHzL12028


Then place the presets folder from your installation directory into this location

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