
At the core of this script is an expression that generates several looped waves in one path. These waves combine into one complex, visually appealing wave with many variations.

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One of the features of this expression is that it generates a selected amount of points all over the Path. This feature allows us to create realistic waves on any path.

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By default, we use a closed-style shape after applying the script. If you have an open illustration, switch this toggle to Off.

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Offset Path

This option could control the shape's size relative to the points' center. To change this center, use our Reset Shape script.

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Points Number

Due to the problem that After Effect is slow with Path expressions, we provide an option to select the number of points we use.

Simple formula: more points ⇒ less performance and better accuracy

Round Corners

Continuing the topic of the number of points, the fever points we have, the worse our lines curve.

We don't use tangents in our Path that dramatically slow down the performance. So we used a build-in Round Corners. It automatically adds after applying the script and controlled by the Round Corners slider.

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<aside> ⚠️ If Round Corners did not affect the shape, you could find a fix here.



Symmetric option makes waves symmetrical relative to the first point on the Path

Symmetric Offset moves half of the Path over time, becoming less symmetric.

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Axial Rotation

By default, the waves rotate along the Path evenly. These two options enable the specific angle at which the wave turns.



Wave Folding